tisdag 4 oktober 2011

Ett brev till Hitler från kungens farfar.

"Redan efter det förra världskriget har jag insett vilken stor fara Bolsjevismen var och alltjämt är, inte endast för oss i Norden utan för hela Europa. Därför vill jag öppet uttala mitt hjärtliga tack för att Ni beslutat att om möjligt slå ned denna pest.
Jag lyckönskar Er till de redan nådda framgångarna!
Nu vill jag bedja om ännu en sak, nämligen att detta brev icke kommer till offentlig kännedom, åtminstone sålänge kriget pågår. Med förtroende räknar jag med förståelse för detta från Er sida. Ni kan emellertid vara förvissad om att jag kommer försöka göra allt för att upprätthålla ett gott förhållande mellan oss.

Med min hjärtliga hälsning är jag, Käre Rikskansler, Er tillgivne Gustav R. "

Detta är alltså ett brev från Gustav V till Adolf Hitler, skrivet i oktober 1940.

Så mycket för den "neutraliteten".

Inter-American Development Bank founding the exploiting of Perus Amazonas.

Perus Camisea Natural gas project is running and this is arguably the most damaging project in the
Amazon Basin right now. And the plans to expand are wide. Located in the remote Lower Urubamba Basin in the south-eastern Peruvian Amazon, the $1.6 billion project includes two pipelines to the Peruvian coast, cutting thr...ough an Amazon biodiversity hotspot described by scientists as "the last place on earth" to drill for fossil fuels. 75% of the gas extraction are located inside a state reserve for indigenous peoples living in isolation.

Contractors for gasextraction companies have made contact with these isolated communities, pressuring them to abandon their ancestral lands. Several of these communities has since that suffered from outbreaks of infectious diseases, to a very alarming extent. These direct and indirect impacts on these isolated communities are devastating as the loss of fish and game population are very alarming.

The two pipelines has also ruptured five times, this is due to that the pipelines was constructed by unqualified and untrained welders using corroded piping and rushing to avoid late completion fees that would have totalled $90 million. The ruptures itself is offcourse very, very dangerous and alarming.

Now, this project would never work if it wasnt for the financiers offcourse, and I thought it might be of great importance for you to know, that the financers name is Inter-American Development Bank. This is a bank which is owned by 48 sovereign states, which are its shareholders and members. And you will probably find, when you look into it, that your state also is one of them. Many of the operations that the bank has supported has got massive critcism for the adverse impacts on local environments and indigenous peoples.

This is a a political policy that serves only the interests of the wealthy multinational companies, and will lead to the extermination of Perus indigenous people and increase the burden of poverty that the Peruvian people already suffer from. Maybe the tax-payers in these 48 states would like to know what they are spending their money on?


Support the fighting people of Peru!!

More than 40% of the total population is living below the poverty line, and in the rural areas it is over two thirds of the population.
25 percent of children under five years have stunted growth in relation to their age and this rises to 66 percent in the seven poorest regions.
The contrasts between rich and poor are clearly seen in Lima, the capital, which has more than doubled in size in the past 2 decades. The majority of the capital's population live in shantytowns, known as pueblos jovenes locally, most of which are perched on barren sand dunes near the Pacific coast or on rocky outcrops in the foothills of the Andes. The shantytowns surround upscale neighborhoods, most of which are a cross between Miami homes and Spanish villas.
A member of the group described to me that he has been away from Peru for 10 years, and now when he got back, in the inner of the capital Lima, you find starbuck cafés and fancy houses, yet you go a few miles outside and people don't even afford to wear shoes, no water or food and live in poor and broken homes.

The government of Peru has a very intimate cooperation with the US,and has had that for a long time, both economic and military. And it is no doubt that if they wouldnt get this "support" they couldnt go on with their neo-liberal policy, that is opening up Peru and Perus Amazonas to foreign investors. It is a political policy that serves only the interests of the wealthy multinational companies, and will lead to the extermination of Perus indigenous people and increase the burden of poverty that the Peruvian people already suffer from.
President Garcia claims that all of the people of Peru will gain from this, yet this is a policy the state has had for a long time and the gap between poor and rich in Peru is only getting wider and wider.


Adam Hochschild: Kung Leopolds vålnad.

Berättelsen om ett av de största folkmorden i modern tid.

Det är slutet av 1800-talet, den tid så Europas stater styckar upp Afrika mellan sig. Kung Leopold II av Belgien lägger för sin privata del beslag på det väldiga området runt Kongofloden. Den välkände upptäcksresanden Stanley är hans medsvurne. Enorma mängder gummi och elfenben skeppas från Kongo till Bryssel, folk och natur exploateras hänsynslöst och under tre decennier dör cirka tio miljoner människor i Kongo. Här uppenbaras den grymma verkligheten bakom Joseph Conrads roman Mörkrets hjärta.